ÖNCEKİ Sayılarımız


Metaphors of the Students in the Faculty of Sport Sciences on the Conceptsof “Smart City” and “Accessibility”-Prof. Dr. Elif KARAGÜN-Doç. Dr. Sevinç NAMLI

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Disaster Risk Reduction Practices in Smart Cities-Prof. Dr. Şerif BARIŞ-Doç. Dr. Abdullah Can ZÜLFİKAR-Mustafa KORKMAZ-Süleyman TUNÇ

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Technology Trends in Building a Data-Driven Smart City-Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan URHAN-Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kemal GÜLLÜ

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Smart Environment Applications in Cities-Prof. Dr. Nihal BEKTAŞ-Doç. Dr. Mehmet ÇETİN

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City Branding-Prof. Dr. Alpaslan YÜCE

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Historical and Cultural Values of Nicomedia-Prof.Dr. Ayşe ÇALIK ROSS

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A Qualiative Research for The Evaluation of Marine TourismPotential of Kocaeli-Doç. Dr. Tülay POLAT ÜZÜMCÜ

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Nature-Based Tourism Of Kocaeli-Prof. Dr. Gökalp N. SELÇUK

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Evaluation of the Business Tourism Potential of Kocaeli-Doç. Dr. Birsen BİLGİLİ

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A Study on Kocaeli’s Gastronomy Tourism Potential-Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nihan AKDEMİR

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...........................................................................................E-ISSN: 2822-7096 / Kent Tarihi Ve Tanıtımı Dairesi Başkanlığı-KOCAELİ BÜYÜKŞEHİR BELEDİYESİ 2024........................................................................................